Monday, December 17, 2007

Awesome debut signing!!

Hey everyone!! I know it's been a few days since I've checked in...I'm sorry! I just wanted to thank everyone that came out and met me on Saturday at the Waldenbooks in Gwinnett Place Mall. I enjoyed meeting you all and I am very thankful for all the books that you all purchased!! I can't believe that I sold all but 5 of my books!! Just in case you missed me, check my site for my other dates and if you're in the Gwinnett Mall area, there are 5 signed copies on the shelf at Waldenbooks looking for a home. :-)

Until next time.....


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Book Signing!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to stop by and let you know about my upcoming signing!

I’ll be signing copies of my new release All That Glitters! This is my first official signing and I am very excited!!

When: Saturday Dec 15, 2007
Time: 2:00-5:00 PM
Where: Waldenbooks Gwinnett Place Mall
Duluth, GA 30096

If you're in the Atlanta area please stop by I would love to meet you. If you can't make this one, check my schedule and hopefully I will catch you at one of the others!

Until next time.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hey everyone!

I hope your December is getting off to an awesome start!! So far I have been really busy, mainly trying not to think about this Image Award nod. LOL! I have been working hard on my next novel Between Friends. I am very excited about the direction this one is going and I look forward to posting a little sample for you all soon. I am still waist deep in promotion for All That Glitters, which is turning out to be both fun and a learning experience. I am very excited about my upcoming tour schedule, I look forward to meeting all of you that can make it! My goal is to try to get out there on the west coast sometime next spring. I've never been out west before, so that is something that I would love!! Can I stay at your house? LOL! Oh, I managed to finish NANO with flying colors! Imagine that! LOL! I will let that little gem cool its heels until I am finished with with Between Friends. If nothing else the freeform writing allowed me to get out some great ideas. Well, I'm off. It's dinner time in the Sparks' household, so it's time for me to change hats from author to chef.

Until next time!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And the NAACP Image Award goes to.....

Ever since I found out about my name being thrown in the hat for the Debut Author Image Award I have been playing that phrase out in my mind.

They announce my name...I smile...wave...scoot around Beyonce, step over Denzel and make my towards the stage to get my award! :) Ahhhhh...the possiblities....

If I have learned anything from this whole experience is that you should never give up on your dreams because in the blink of an eye...everything could change...and for the better. I have no idea what other authors are fighting for one of the 5 spots on the nominee ballot and I don't think I want to know. That way I can concentrate on me and not what anyone is or isn't doing. I've said it before, but I am really and truly honored that they even know my name. To make it on the ballot would be BANANAS!!

Well, I'm off to get some writing done...oh heck..who am I fooling. I'm about to get me a piece of pie, then clean up my house and watch TV for a little while. LOL!

Until next time...


(echo) And the winner is......

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Hey there!! I arrived safe and sound back in Atlanta today and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am. LOL! I love my family, but a week is MORE than enough time to catch up, exchange hugs and stories, eat and be on my way. I ended up with an impromptu vacation. What am I talking about you ask..well lemme tell ya! LOL!

Well....I get to my aunt's house (which is beautiful by the way) and I settle in at her desk ready to start working way on her laptop. I figure, I'd answer some emails, do some work on my next book...maybe even post a blog or two. WRONG!! Her internet is WACK!! I can't keep a connection long enough to hit Enter. (sigh) big deal. I'll just use it to work on my documents. WRONG!! Most of my stuff is saved with 07...she has something crazy like Windows 95!! Just when I think I am cousin shows up with his laptop. (Yay!!) NOT!! I plug my jump drive into his computer...only to LOSE the file I have desperately been trying to work on...but all is not lost....he finds the file. Some kind of way I had hidden it (eye roll) so I'm like COOL!! It's on... I am about to be a writing sensation. WRONG again. I plug the jump drive into my aunts laptop again...and MY JUMP IS DEAD!!!! Wiped out....blank..error messages flying all over the place! But thank GOD I had pulled everything off of it earlier that day and put it on my aunt's desktop. So after the screaming and crying died down...I went out and purchased a NEW jump drive. I quickly copied all my files to it and tucked it away safely in my purse and refused to touch it. LOL!

So here I am...back in the comforts of my office with my computer with my updated software and my new jump drive...and all I want to do is sleep. *sigh*

Well...I'm off! Talk to you soon!!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Well I'm here... I make it to my aunts house in one piece. However, I fail to pack my OWN laptop, so I am forced to use hers. You may be asking...what's so bad about that? Well....lemme tell you. She BARELY has internet...the last time her Microsoft suite was update, Britney Spears was a real pop star...and Internet Explorer hasn't been updated since Bill Gates dropped out of college (eye roll) I am dying over here. LOL! But I am enjoying spending time with my family. My kids are loving all the attention. However my son wanted to be like his father and shave his head (my hubby is bald) so now my four year old has bald patch in his hair...ugh!!! I am trying to decide whether to shave it off or just roll with it.

Well, I'm off to do a little work then I am going to help out with the cooking a little.

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Turkey Day.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Sunday...

Well I am all packed up and ready to go. My sister is coming to pick up my cute little dog and my two fish (she doesn't know about the fish yet....) and not long after that I will be hitting the road.

Promotion for All That Glitters has been kicked into high gear. I have lots of tour dates scheduled and I'm doing my best to yell it from one end of the internet to the next. It gets frustrating sometimes, especially when I start to feel like I don't have support from those who have expertly disgused themselves as supporters. Now don't get me wrong, I have met some awesome people who are genuine (waving..Hey Tina!!!) (shrug) I guess it's the way of the game.

Alright, I'm out. Make sure you go get your copy of All That Glitters. It's also available on

Have a great week, I'll catch ya on the other side...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Saturday!!

Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a wonderful up and coming Thanksgiving week. I am leaving to visit family and I can't wait. I will have my laptop in tow and hope to get a lot of writing done on my next novel.

I am very excited about my tour schedule so far. Check it out at if you are in the area be sure to check me out!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The eagle has landed...

In other words, my package made it to California! :-) Now...I just have to keep busy and not obsess over it. Which is gonna be hard considering I have mastered the art of worry! LOL! Well, back to my agent is lurking....

Do you really get a vacation if you work from home?

That's the question I am trying to find the answer to. I will be leaving this weekend to spend a relaxing week in Maryland with family, however, I have been instructed to take my laptop by my agent. self-employed people ever really get time off?

If you find out....shoot me an email because in the midst of the turkey and stuffing...I'll be working...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Thursday!! I get up this morning and my email account isn't working! Now anyone who sits in front of this contraption all day knows that emails are the lifeblood of what you do. *Sigh* I can receive them but I can't send them which SUCKS! And on top of that my dish is out....I swear these conditions are barbaric!

On a positive note, my package is on it's way to Los Angeles! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. This would be an awesome opportunity not just for me but for my publisher as well. I was a little nervous at first to send it, but my hubby convinced me that I was NUTS and tied me up and took the box himself. LOL!

My agent is still riding me, but it's a good thing. I may actually be finished with my next novel, Between Friends, sooner than I thought. And with no TV to distract me I'm on a literary roll. LOL!!

Well, time to take my teeny dog out and get back on my grind.

Catch ya later!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I've finally arrived!! I'm sitting here on teetering on giddy and foolish with the cutest, teeniest cocka-poo in the world. Now of course miniature dogs are all the rage in Hollywood! So I've arrived! I'm officially elite! Right? WRONG! Tiny dogs produce tiny poop! That you still have to clean up almost hourly because they are still to little to know how to go outside, or too little to walk up and down steps. ::eye roll:: And don't get me started on the crying and whining that goes on in the middle of the night....

So, alas...I haven't arrived. Not until I have people to take care of my cute dog for me......

Monday, November 12, 2007

Image Awards... the the other day I get an email requesting submission of All That Glitters for consideration for Outstanding Literary Work - Debut Author! My first thought was: "Who is playing around sending me emails??" But once I realized that the email was legit I could barely sit down!! I am very encouraged and honored that they even know my name! LOL!! This so makes up for my son bringing me the dead ladybug as a gift. (eye roll). I also has the opportunity to meet with SBS Book Club last night and it was AWESOME! This book club was so enthusiastic about the book...hold on my son is brushing the dog with his toothbrush UGH!!!.......Okay. I'm back. Well that's it for me....I have a busy day ahead of me full of writing and promotional stuff and...and....well that about does it. LOL!

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nano Ramblings....

Okay…I don’t know how many of you are participating this time, but I just discovered the Adopt-A-Plot thread and I am like a kid in a candy store that is left unattended!! LOL!! And why are there already people that have reached the 50K mark! Ugh!! I feel like a slacker now. But now that stupid thread has given me all these great ideas so now they are battling with my old ideas…and in the words of Bernie Mac “There’s gonna be some furniture moving….” LOL!! I am only at 16K words so far and I can't seem to focus. I have the story in my head, but I'm having a hard time getting it out...If you have any suggestions or would like to write it for me hit me up!! LOL!

You think you know....

But you have no idea! Welcome to "A View From My Pen..."

Okay, I don't really have a pen..more like a laptop..but you get the picture. LOL! I hope to give you some insight into what makes me tick. (Don't sound so excited...) Stayed's gonna be a bumpy ride!