Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!! (5 days ago....)

LOL!! Okay, so what's up!! How's everyone doing?? This week has been a little busy for me, but in a good way. I've gotten a lot accomplished in the literary world and I am very encouraged by it. Last night I went to Tina Brooks McKinney's release party for her new book Fool Stop Trippin' I had sooo much fun. Tina is a wonderfully beautiful person and I wish her all the success in the world. I got the pleasure of meeting Marsha Jenkins-Sanders, author of The Other Side of Through, beautiful woman with a powerful story. I felt like I groupie in the room with all of the seasoned authors! (Hiiiiiiiiii Thomas!! LOL!)

As for me, today I will be signing copies of All That Glitters along side fellow author Peron F. Long at Barnes and Noble on Cobb Parkway here in Atlanta from 2-4 p.m. So if you're in the area, stop by and say hi! I plan on hitting up my FAVORITE restaurant after the signing, PF Chang's. :-) So if you want to come by and get a great book and have lunch with me I would love to meet you!!


Until next time...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!!'s been a whole month since I've checked in with you guys and I am soooooo sorry. I have been really busy. I hope your month was prosperous and productive. Believe it or not, mine was uneventful. I am looking forward to Spring though! The first day of Spring is on the 20th and then a few days later is my birthday! Woohoo!! Truthfully I keep forgetting about and my friends have to keep reminding me. LOL! I am actually more excited about my son's birthday coming up in April. He'll be five and has told me that he wants a mohawk. ::eyeroll:: But lately he thinks him turning five is a magical thing, because he's relating EVERYTHING to turning five. For example, when he turns five he can: get a mohawk, stay up late, play baseball AND football, and get a new video game. LOL! Well I am off to bury my head in my keyboard and try to get some writing done.

If you live in the area I will be at Arbor Place Mall, in Douglasville, GA this Saturday March 22nd from 1-5 signing copies of ALL THAT GLITTERS. Stop by and pick up a copy and say hi! The book is doing really well, both in the stores and on Amazon. I am very pleased with how well it's been received. So thank you to those who have already purchased it and given me feedback, and if you haven't yet, please do. I promise you'll enjoy it!

Take care....and until next time....