Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday Wonders I have been sitting around all day. Bored out of my mind, which got me to wondering about some things. (Hence the title of this blog!) Have you ever wondered:

1. Why every commercial for a medication that's supposed to HELP you has so many BAD side effects?

2. Why do people always buy: bread, milk and canned goods during a power outage? The milk is going to sour and you won't have any power to open the can of corn!

3. Why do they announce power outages on television?

4. Why is there Braille on drive up ATM machines? (This one actually scares me a little)

5. Why you can pop corn in a microwave, but if it's hot outside you don't end up with a field full of popcorn?

6. Why Noah didn't kill those two roaches? (LOL! Saw that somewhere couldn't leave it out...)

7. Why people sit at a stop sign like it's gonna turn green?? (I HATE this!) It's says: STOP not STAY people!!

8. Or worse yet, why people sit at a green light like it's gonna turn a different SHADE of green?

Okay, guess I need to do some writing. I've goofed off enough. (Don't tell my publisher.)

Until next time!!